유전체 기반 바이오IT 융합연구소
Genome-based BioIT Convergence Institute
Anamika Khanal 연구원
소속 : 선문대학교 유전체기반 BIOIT 융합 연구소 | |
학위취득기관 : 전북대학교 농학박사 | |
전공 : 농화학전공 | |
내선번호 : | |
이메일 : anamika.khanal@gmail.com | |
홈페이지 : | |
연구소개 | I am a dedicated and organized scientific researcher with good academic and practical skills.
Work persistently and deligently upholding the work ethics and professionalism to get best outcome. Currently, I am working on “Study of microorganisms from extreme environmental polar regions having resistance to abiotic stresses (HMs, salinity, temperautre, Nutrient availability) and utilize these potential microorganisms for betterment of the environment, agriculture, and ultimately humankind”. |